Share your Rare: Edward Gent
Learn about the incredible story of Edward Gent, a Sports Nutritionist diagnosed with MMN, who decided to create an app to help others worldwide with their disease and symptom management.
The Power of Palliative Care
A mother to a child with a rare condition discusses palliative care programs and how they’ve impacted her family.
My Unexpected and Powerful Clinical Trial Journey
The bittersweet and unpredictable chain of events that made Donna Rae Menard a believer in the clinical trial process.
A Certified Caregiving Consultant’s Reflections on Journaling
Louisa Stringer, a certified caregiving consultant, shares the benefits of journaling for caregivers facing the uncertainties of rare disease.
Time Travel in the MRI Suite: A Journal Entry
In this journal entry, Laura Will shares her emotional experience in returning to the MRI suite where, in 2020, her family’s life ‘would never be the same.’
Lindsay's Story: A Myasthenia Gravis Journey from Despair to Hope
My name is Lindsay Alpert and I am thirty-one years old. This is my journey and path to my diagnosis of a rare chronic autoimmune neuromuscular disorder, Myasthenia Gravis.
I Choose Rare
In wishing our rare community a happy Rare Disease Day, discover the empowerment and uniqueness that lies behind the word ‘rare,’ leading Laura Will to readily call herself a ‘rare mom.’
What It’s Like To Live With ITP: Laura’s Story
Laura shares her story of living with MS and ITP, a rare disease that affects the number of platelets in the blood. Learn more about her perspective on life, her day-to-day activities, and her experience in joining a clinical study.
What It’s Like To Live With ITP: Joan’s Story
Joan shares her experience of living with ITP, a rare disease that affects the number of platelets in the blood. Learn more about her worries and the useful advice that she offers to the Know Rare community.
But Mama, Why?
Here’s a rare mom’s reflection on the innocent curiosity of her well child and the questions about disability that she must learn to answer.
Navigating 'Failure to Thrive': A Mother's Journey Through Diagnosis and Decision-Making
I can recall the sunny, white-walled classroom, on the upper west side of New York City, where I first heard the medical term, “Failure to thrive.” I was a student, working towards a Master’s Degree in Nursing, reviewing diagnostic criteria of various gastrointestinal conditions…
Supporting Healthy Siblings of Children with Medical Complexities: A Mother's Perspective
Read a personal perspective of a mother raising both well and medically-complex young children. Learn about the impact a medically-complex sibling can have on the family dynamic, and access resources that may support the well child in exploring their emotions.
A Day at a Time: Our Journey with Rare Disease and Relentless Seizures
I can clearly remember the day we finally received his diagnosis. It was 2019, and my son was 14 years old. We had already been treating seizures and developmental delay for years. However, I was not prepared for the actual diagnosis.
"I See You, Dragon Mom": A Poetic Tribute to Rare Disease Caregivers
A poem to rare caregivers, by Laura Will
Strive to Thrive, Not Just Survive
Research shows that rates of depression and anxiety are elevated among parents and caregivers of children with complex care needs. This is no mystery. I see many contributing factors: grief, chronic stress, poor sleep, caregiving burden, potential loss of work to care for the child, financial stress, social isolation, and spousal relationship problems. Which of these factors rings true for you?
Share Your Rare: Bryan Kelly
Hello everyone. I am 35 years old and I have Propionic Acidemia (PA). Life with PA is not always easy. I was diagnosed late, which caused me to have a stroke at a very young age. After years of needing a wheelchair and walker, I made a somewhat normal recovery.
Moving Mountains: Advocating for My Son’s Individual Education and Health Plans
This month Desmond will head to preschool and be held and cared for by his community, as is his right. For any parent who has been through an individual health plan or an individual education plan (IEP), you know it is no simple task. I would love to share what this has been like for me and my son.
The Rare Resiliency Toolbox
As a community advocate for the Rare Advocacy Movement, Uni Neha has a passion for guiding others in their rare disease journey. We sat down with Uni to talk about her resiliency routine and to hear her advice to others who are looking for new resources to support their well-being.
A Case for More Laughter: Humor as a Part of Seriously Good Caretaking
Discover how humor can be an incredible tool for protecting, connecting, and emboldening caregivers in many of their dark and difficult moments.
Navigating Family Planning After a Child's Rare Disease Diagnosis
In our family, the love is infinite and the joy is absolute. In many ways we are like any other family; however, as we navigate this decision to have another biological child, the math is painfully different. I feel overwhelmed by uncertainty, the possibility of genetic errors, and the fragility of life.