Organization Spotlight: The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) is a leader in the celebration of National DNA Day. Since 2003, National DNA Day has brought students, educators, and the general public together on April 25th to celebrate the completion of the human genome project in 2003 and the discovery of the double helix in 1953. DNA Day’s mission statement highlights its vision and purpose.
National DNA Day is a global movement to mobilize, energize, and empower communities, educators, and students to innovate, collaborate, and discover the promise of our shared humanity and connection to the natural world.
Contact Information
The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
31 Center Dr
Bethesda, MD 20894
Phone number: (301) 402-0911
For press inquiries:
Learn more about NHGRI
Take a look at NhGRI’s webpage here.
Learn about National DNA Day.